Sad Diversion

My mind is wrapped up with the death of two children near me.  One was the daughter of a wonderful bus driver that my eldest son had while in kindergarten.  This bus driver is so friendly and will still beep to me if he sees me in the yard or out driving.  He talked to all the parents and we would sometimes have to gently remind him to move on when we noticed the growing line of traffic behind the bus.  His daughter was 25 and living near Boston.  She crashed her car while talking on her cell phone.  She had a lifetime ahead of her and a grieving family left behind. 

The other child, was just 21 months old and lived in the town where I grew up.  He was with his mother in their backyard, she turned her head for a moment and he was gone.  They have a river right there so she jumped in searching for him but couldn’t find him.  Rescuers found him, alive, down river 2 hours later but unfortunately he died hours later.  So sad.

The heartache those families must be feeling right now, I can only imagine— but don’t want to.  My mother’s own brother drowned when he was 9 and my grandmother never really got over it.  She was buried next to him nearly forty years later.  Yes, she lived her life and didn’t wallow on a daily basis, but she never forgot and never fully mended her broken heart. 

It might sound preposterous but I write this blog to help in one little way in keeping our kids safe.  Eating well and staying away from some types of food/food additives, might actually benefit kids over the long run.  I try to pass on helpful information on what bad things to steer clear of and how to get kids to eat well so that they will grow up — and remain healthy.  My little blog is not going to save anyone from catastrophes like the former stories, but it may help over time.  I truly believe that it is possible to get children to eat well.  It may not happen overnight if they’re picky and I’m not saying it’s always easy, but it is too important not to try. 

I know that my parenting style isn’t perfect and I am in no means Supermom, but I love my children immensely and try to do my best.  My heart goes out to those moms and dads who can no longer give their precious children a hug.