Perfect Quick Snack – Popcorn

I love popcorn.  My kids love popcorn.  Whether it’s at the movie theater or at home, it’s just a yummy treat.  But I hate microwave popcorn.  To me it tastes odd and I hate the way it makes the microwave smell (even worse if it burns). Several years ago I stopped buying it because I’d also read how the linings of the bags were bad and the spray butter endangered the people who worked in factories where it was made.

So, I’ve been making popcorn on the stove with a tiny bit of canola or grapeseed oil and topping it off for my kids with melted butter and salt.  I get a bit more creative for my own bowl (and sometimes my eldest son)— usually some cayenne, turmeric and cumin.  Sometimes I change it up a bit.  

But I’d read or heard that you can make it in a brown paper bag in the microwave.  So I finally tried it last week.  And have made it several more times since. I couldn’t believe I was so late to the party. I use Trader Joe’s organic popping corn.  It comes out so fluffy and light. 

Microwave Popcorn
1/4 cup popping corn
1 Tbsp canola oil (or olive, grapeseed oil)
salt to taste
melted butter (optional)
brown paper bag

In a bowl combine the corn, oil and some salt.  Dump into paper bag and fold (or staple) closed.  Microwave on high for 3-4 minutes (depending on microwave wattage).  When popping slows so that they’re only popping one/second then remove. Pour into a bowl and top with some more salt or melted butter or spices.


Favorite Spice mixture
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper